Welcome to the innerwise® online Academy

Now you can develop your inborn talents in the comfort of your own home. These are curated ressources made available as a supplement to the live workshops. It is a great to get started on your journey and apply the tools for yourself on your own pace.

You can begin with the complementary “Become your own healer” or jump right into the Basic Course.
There’s no right or wrong way to get going. We simply ask that you do what speaks to you.

"Become your own healer" by Uwe Albrecht


You will get access to this 58-page manual of easy to understand topics and stories that will explain the concepts of...


A Course in Healing

$30.00 USD

Become your own healer and find your energy, your freedom and your happiness in this thirty day email course!  


innerwise® Basic Course online

$167.00 USD

This is the starting point and foundation of the Innerwise system. Here you will ignite your potential and open up yo...


About innerwise®

innerwise. Practical tools that assists individuals in unlocking the connection to one’s innate wisdom. innerwise pops the promise of potential and allows people to become living, breathing phenomena’s. homo integers.

Uwe Albrecht MD is a medical doctor and spiritual gangster Born and grown up in Germany he was able to use the old german potential to discover, analyze and create up to perfection. He developed the innerwise system and wrote ten books, all bestsellers with translations in twelve languages. Over 150,000 people around the world are already applying innerwise for themselves, their families, clients, patients, systems, companies. The words on his business card are: "The creative madness had another orgasm."